Diversity and Inclusion Statement
Empowering our team to be themselves
The PinkNews mission to inform, inspire change and empower people to be themselves applies as much to our team, as it does to our audience and the wider world we seek to change.
As an organisation we have diversity, equity and inclusion built into the foundations of what we do and are committed to staying at the forefront of change and progress.
As a publisher we know that in order to reflect the needs of the LGBTQ+ community we seek to serve, we have to give a platform to diverse perspectives, opinions and ideas to keep our content offering compelling and representative.
As an employer we know that the media industry is not as diverse as it should be and so we are always seeking new ways to recruit and retain the most talented and diverse team that we can.
With rapid growth over the last few years, we are now in a position to develop our first fully-fledged Diversity Equity and Inclusion People Strategy, which we will be launching later this year (2023). As part of this we will be reviewing all aspects of how we operate in collaboration with our newly formed Employee Resource Groups to ensure we can continue to be a truly progressive organisation as we continue to grow.